Weekly Wisdom: Free Tarot Readings On Instagram

The sun is shining, and - much like my fluffy feline familiar - I apparently have the “heat crazies” because I am positively full of ideas today!

Tarot is my favourite part of every day. Being able to sit with someone and guide them through a reading; giving them a little clarity or being able to say they’ve done their homework after their last reading is a truly fulfilling experience. Unfortunately, though, I still see plenty of people in the shop who are scared of tarot. They’re interested, but they’ve grown up thinking it’s connected to negative energies or - even worse - that it’s just for woo-woo women.

In an attempt to break through this wall and allow everyone to dip their toes into this magical world without judgement or commitment, I’ve decided to conduct “Weekly Wisdom” over on Instagram. I’ll have a question box in my stories every Sunday for you to drop a question for the cards, and on Monday I’ll get through as many free single-card responses as I can!

My one-to-one readings are available in The Coven, St Anne’s Weds-Sat 10.30am-4.30pm (or out of hours by appointment) and start at £15; I’m also happy to conduct them online if you’re unable to get to the shop!



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