Herbology 101: 7 Magickal Uses for Cinnamon
I’m a firm believer that absolutely everything can be made better by adding cinnamon, but did you know that it has magickal properties beyond its toasty tastiness? This cheap and versatile spice is probably already somewhere in your kitchen, so lets make a little magick!
Hang it over the entrance to your home…
Create a bundle of cinnamon sticks with a piece of twine, and hang it over your front door.
This is said to protect your home from negative energy and/or bad intentions.
Embrace your inner kitchen witch: create an edible love spell…
Bake ground cinnamon into a dessert (any dessert is made better with cinnamon!) and place a blessing on the dessert to grant everlasting love. This is the perfect way to round off a special, romantic meal.
Charge your runes or tarot cards…
Are your divination tools starting to feel a bit energetically heavy, and, well… gunky?
Pop a cinnamon stick in with your runes or fold some cinnamon in with your tarot cards or cloth to charge up your tools and clear away the energetic gunk.
Brew up a love potion…
There’s nothing quite like a DIY potion to level up your spell work and attraction magick.
Simply simmer some olive or almond oil over a low heat, and allow a few cinnamon sticks to steep in it for a while. Add some of your favourite love spell ingredients for a little extra oomph: I particularly like basil and rose petals!
Add to a Success sachet…
Cinnamon is one of the main ingredients in our SUCCESS spell blend, and that’s because this spice is believed to lend great spiritual support to efforts put forth to accomplish your goals. Add cinnamon to your money drawing, luck, or career success spell sachet to get things moving.
You can also blow ground cinnamon through the entrance to your home on the first day of the month to invite abundance!
Spice up your love life…
Cinnamon’s warm spiciness is known for adding a little heat in the kitchen, but did you know that it can add some spice to your love life, too? This spice attracts sensual energies, helping you to ignite passions and thaw out a cold relationship.
psssst… need some more help in this department? Check out our Sex Magick Ritual Oils!
Cleanse and purify your space…
Cinnamon is said to have powerful spiritual vibration. Invite this energy into your home by burning cinnamon as incense!
Either add to a smudge stick, throw into a fire, or burn on a charcoal disk.
Do you have any other magickal uses for this delicious spice? Let us know!