Kitchen Witchery: Beltane Lemonade

Beltane celebrates the peak of Spring and the coming of Summer; you may have celebrated it before without even knowing it, as many people refer to this celebration as May Day. It’s a celebration that we associate with fertility (whether that’s in the traditional baby making sense of the word, *or* fertile crops, or even a creative, fertile mind!).

If you’re looking to celebrate Beltane with a little more magick this year, my special recipe for Beltane Lemonade is certain to add a splash of love and positive energy to your celebration. Set a (safe!) fire in your garden or gathering space, light some candles, and cast this delicious spell for a beautiful Beltane…

Beltane Lemonade

– Filtered or Sparkling Water
– Fresh Lemons
– Fresh Basil
– Strawberries
– Sugar or Honey

…and if you enjoy a drink, this would be delicious with a little gin or vodka!

I don’t specify *amounts* of ingredients in this recipe, because it really does depend on your personal preferences. Every ingredient is there for a reason, though, so be mindful of your intentions as you make this lemonade.


Your first job is to decide whether you want sparkling or still lemonade. Once you’ve made your decision, start by filling your container with either sparkling or filtered water.


Lemon – for purification, love and healing

Squeeze fresh lemon into your water. This *is* lemonade so lemons will be the main ingredient here. Don’t be afraid to add plenty of lemon juice, as you can sweeten the drink with sugar or honey later.


Basil – for love drawing, purification and money

Consider basil a garnish more than anything, but if you could do with a little help with your finances then pop plenty of this magickal herb in! There’s no need to chop or shred: just put the herbs in as they are, and make sure to give your concoction a good stir.


Strawberries – for love, passion and sensual energy

Add a load of love to your lemonade by slicing strawberries (I recommend the chunky Scottish ones) and adding them to your pot. Don’t be afraid to go wild with them; we all need a little more love in our lives!


Add sugar or honey to sweeten the lemonade to your taste. If adding sugar rather than honey, I recommend making sugar syrup (hot water and sugar) as it will help your sugar to dissolve quicker.

When you’ve made your lemonade, send me a picture! I’m always interested to see how others have used my recipes!


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